'Satan is watching, so give him a show'


about me

hello! my name is Myles, im a 19 year old artist and animator from Australia!i'm transgender, my pronouns are he/him :]i have autism! my special interest is anything paranormal. i'm not a believer, i just find it fun/interesting! im also a massive horror junkie



my main interest (other than the paranormal) is the band Ghost! it's my biggest hyperfixation atmi LOVE all horror media, from movies to games to everything else!i also like DnD, Baldur's Gate, Minecraft, Slime Rancher, and CoD (ghosts + MW)

i also love my boyfriend a lot... we're so gay for each other
9/4/24 <3


yes i am a satanist, no i do not care what you think about it go awaymy content is ideally for mature audiences, my stories/art may contain adult themes. viewer discretion is advised and such


basic dni, racists, homo/transphobes, pedos/pedo defenders/proshippers shot on sighti do not have a strict dni because i really don't care. if i don't like you i'll block you, otherwise idc